Sunday, May 22, 2011

Grass Sledding

   I don't remember exactly how this subject came up.  I know it was sometime this winter when we had snow.  Probably the kids were gripping that we don't get enough days to sled in Oklahoma.  Anyways, I was telling them tha when I was a kid, we used to go grass sledding.  I'm not sure how that started either, and my sisters might even be too young to rebember since I only remember doing it when we lived in Germany and they were pretty young then.  My dad was in the military and we lived in an apartmen building that sat on top of the best sledding hill in the area.  In the spring and summer there were always a lot of people moving and the dumpsters were always full of cardboard boxes that had been flattened.  So we would take those flattened boxes and use them as sleds and go sledding down the hill.  It kept us entertained for hours.
   So, ever since I told the kids about this they have been begging to go.  But it works best when the grass is green, which has only happened recently.  Frank took them yesterday while I was scrapbooking with friends.  They didn't actually use cardboard since our sleds are those plastic saucers and work just as well (when I was a kid ours was one of those wooden ones with runners and those do not work for grass sledding).