Friday, December 4, 2009

open house

Last night, the kids had open house at school.  Before it's always just been going to their classrooms and looking at all of their work.  But this year they changed the format to performances.  Both are kids time slots overlapped but they weren't in the same place, so things were a little crazy.  Thankfully, Shianne's performance was one she repeated multiple times for thirty minutes so we were able to see both.

The fifth graders did a "Night At The Museum" theme.  Each child had to pick a famous person several weeks ago, research them, and write a script describing themselves.  Then, last night, they dressed as their character.  They were all scattered throughout the school around ten feet apart.  By each child was a desk where they had a picture and namecard of their famous person and a money jar.  Every time someone put money in the jar, they came to life and repeated their script from memory.  All the money went to a charity.  Shianne chose to be Anna Pavlova, a famous Russian ballerina.  She did an awesome job.  It's a little hard to hear her in the video with all the other people around.

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